Hello!  I’m an associate professor of Strategy at Bentley University. Broadly, I study the intersection of strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship. More specifically, my research examines competitive dynamics (how firms choose specific actions and respond to their rivals), industry evolution (how industries, and the firms that comprise them, change over time) and the performance implications of these forces. Often, I consider the role of top management team characteristics in shaping firm evolution through their influence on strategic choices such as innovation, avenues for growth, or investment patterns.

My current work involves a number of topics, but some of the projects I am most excited about explore the intersection of strategic leaders with patterns of competition. I have also begun work on a project that seeks to integrate the behavioral theory of the firm with Austrian economic principles to provide a cogent description of non-optimizing firms competing in dis-equilibrium environments, and how this environment brings about specific patterns of competitive activity.

Methodologically, I am interested in the application of econometric techniques as well as the use of simulations, scenario-based experiments, and formal theoretical methods. My work has been published in several peer-reviewed journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Long Range Planning, and Strategic Organization, among others.

Prior to joining Bentley, I worked for several years as an economic/forensic consultant for Navigant, where I was involved in the investigation and resolution of numerous major commercial disputes with an aggregate value of over $2B, and well as assisting with organizational restructurings and development of risk management strategies. From time to time, I continue to do periodic consulting work in this space.

My CV (last updated July 2023) can be downloaded here.