
If you are looking for a copy of one or more of my existing publications, please visit the Reprints page.

Select discussions of some of my published and in-progress work are located on my Thoughts page.

Presentation archive

If you are looking for a PDF copy of a presentation made at a previous conference, you will find it below, sorted by year.





  • All presentations made by colleagues or deferred/cancelled due to COVID







Supplemental Materials

Supplemental materials, if any, for existing publications can be found below.

Available datasets used in my papers

All datasets available for download are provided in the list below.

Helpful research tools

The following lists provide links to software, protocols, algorithms and other tools that may be useful, sorted by type of research being performed.

Finding and Reviewing relevant literature

  • Matter of Facts (a new and potentially interesting means to find relevant articles)
  • Web of Science (the stand-by solution for searching high-quality academic outlets, very helpful when paired with Google Scholar or similar broader searches to capture relevant grey literature)
  • SCite – extracts citations and the context in which they are used with some rudimentary tagging (e.g., supporting, contrasting, self-cite); now has an generative AI component that helps do the first draft of a literature review for a targeted question (prettty nifty!) – can also be used as a proxy for research impact (more tools on that front below)
  • Research Rabbit – found by one of my colleagues (Booma Yandava), this is another way to find relevant literature and also provides some nice visualizations (network analysis and timeline development, among others) and suggestions for future reading
  • getAbstract – traditionally provided summaries of books but it looks like they have expanded their library of covered content significantly
  • Bentley AI Tech Accelerator – a curated list of tools, several of which (e.g., Elicit and Scholarcy) are useful for literature review and summarization

Reviews and meta-analyses

Simulations, systems dynamics, and modeling

Quantitative analyses of primary data

General purpose econometrics references for R

Beyond the specific items above, there are a number of good textbooks for performing econometric analyses in R. These include compendia that employ multiple packages such as Introduction to Econometrics with R or Principles of Econometrics with R. But there are also texts more closely tied to particular packages such as:

At the end of the day, there is substantial overlap between what these packages can do (some are even partially dependent on others), but they have different function calls and syntax and some are uniquely able to perform certain functions. In my experience, you will pick one as your “workhorse” and call on the others when needed. Just be careful to keep track of which you are using when! For now, here would be my recommendations to get most of what you would want to get accomplished on a day to day basis (more references regarding data input and reporting provided below):

  • Data wrangling: dplyr and tidyr v. data.table (pick one and stick with it, both work and it seems to be a matter of preference except for edge cases)
  • Modeling: fixest for standard OLS, IV, DiD, panel data, logit, probit models with “typical” standard error arrangements (a nice introduction for Stata users is here, which also provides references to more speciality modeling like lme4 for hierarchical linear modeling) – other specialties like SEM (lavaan), time series, or survival analysis have their own packages such as lavaan that go beyond my coverage here
  • Graphics: ggplot2 for graphics generation (R has nice built-in graphics features, but this takes it to another level) and marginaleffects for marginal effect calculation and plotting
  • Reporting: stargazer for tabulation, rmarkdown (to make reproducible code), and Shiny (for web applications)

Content analyses and qualitative data

Generic automation tools and useful applications

  • Zapier (basically a web-based AppleScript)
  • AppleScript and Automator (must learn tools if you are using OS X, Bookends can be scripted)
  • (browser based automation)
  • Bookends (my reference software of choice, OS X only)

General data “wrangling”, analysis, visualization, and reporting

  • R for Data Science (a nice overall summary – basically a book in HTML form, which is intimiately tied to the packages that comprise the tidyverse, including well known and used packages like dplyr and ggplot2
  • R Studio cheat sheets for several of the key R packages
  • Tidymodels – I have not used this extensively but it looks to be a gentle introduction into Big Data and Machine Learning based methods in R
  • Tableau
  • Stargazer (Results table generation for R)
  • Esttab and Tabout (Results table generators for STATA)
  • A seemingly simple tool for creating websites (I use WordPress but this seems effective with fewer startup costs)
  • Quarto – the most comprehensive solution I’ve found in R yet to produce websites, PDFs, and presentations that incorporate R code and other elements using Markdown – takes some getting used to but the learning curve is not that steep and it provides ready access to lots of other power tools, and provides many of the same features as (for example):
    • LaTeX and the Beamer package (you can use an online LaTeX typesetter like Overleaf for this purpose) – a way to quickly make nice looking and reusable presentations
    • Bookdown – Tools to convert your R code to LaTeX, and then onwards to PDFs and book formats

Tools for reviewing the work of others

Writing and crafting articles

Construct and variable repositories

How to connect to essential databases

Accessing and processing publicly available data

Research impact

  • Altmetric – Not a link but actually a javascript that you can add as a bookmark to call up the Altmetric score for any particular article you are looking at (you can see more details at the Altmetric website with information on the API available here)
  • Grobid – An automated way for extracting bibliometric data from individual articles

Other interesting databases for specific purposes

Interesting initiatives started by various groups

Reaching beyond the scholarly community

  • Faculti (a video streaming platform that seeks to bring relevant and timely academic insights to the fore, with interviews from scholars regarding their recent work)
    Research Outreach (a similar intent to Faculti, with a compendium of articles that complement original research and provide a connection between academics and practice)